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Make a Donation

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Help C2U change lives by donating to projects and programs that will improve health and overall wellbeing.  Our Strength initiative will include support for:


•    Borehole Wells
•    Latrines

•    Mosquito Nets & Bedding Kits
•    Malaria Treatment
•    Women’s Health

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Be a part of supporting businesses, classrooms and systems that pave the way to empowering communities. Connect to Uganda will work to provide opportunities by investing in:


  • Small Business Grants

  • Desks, Blackboards, School Furnishings

  • Lunch for Students

  • Education Materials

  • School & Church Structures

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Your donation will help Connect to Uganda support the growth and ministry of the Lutheran Church of Uganda. Together, we will help to provide:


  • Translation of Bible stories into Lusoga

  • Land and Church Structures

  • Pastor and Seminarian Support

  • Worship Materials

  • Children’s Ministry Programs

  • Bible Studies for Men and Women

Item Donations

Connect to Uganda has a growing list of items that are best purchased in the US and delivered during our visits to Uganda.  You can learn more by visiting our Amazon wish list.

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Soccer balls are ALWAYS welcome!  

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Esuubi means "hope", a critical piece of Connect to Uganda's mission.  Members of our Esuubi Club are donors who are ready to invest in the growth of Connect to Uganda and provide hope, with an annual gift of at least $1,000.




By making a recurring monthly gift of $25, $40, or $75, you will make a significant and lasting impact in Uganda. As with all gifts, we will be committed to making sure you are consistently connected to the impact of your gift to support our initiatives.


A gift that changes lives in Uganda is a wonderful way to honor a loved one or celebrate

a life event. Your gift, given in honor or memory of a loved one and in any amount, will help Connect to Uganda empower more communities and continue to improve 

lives in Uganda.

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